Monday, 14 April 2014

How to Create / Design a Feature Wall in your home DIY

So this is the finished Feature Wall in this pic below.. To find out more how its done read on. 

" That wall is bugging me " I could hear in my ear as I sat down to our dinner table in the dining room one night.. 

Ye me too I said to my hubby as I pulled in my chair.. What wall is not bugging you in this house " Helen " 

As soon as I heared " Helen " I burst out laughing.. See my husband Baz has a nickname for me in this crazy house. " Helen " ye got to love helen I said to Baz.. That you do gurl, that you do...

A Bit of background on " Helen " 

Helen is so house proud she sleeps with her yellow gloves and apron on.. He nicknamed me " Helen " as she goes round the house with her diamond shaped hoover and duster, you wont find a spec of dust in this house with Helen around, she is a DIY lady who will do any do it yourself job in the house as she would not dare pay someone to come in and do a job she can do.. 

So we will get back to how we created this new Feature Wall in our dining room.. 

Here is a short video of this Feature Wall we created on my youtube channel, also on my youtube channel I  post videos of How To / DIY, if you want to check out my youtube channel you can do so by clicking here 
IrishDannyboys Youtbe Channel 

We both began to enjoy our meal and glass of Pinot Grigio  and chatting away about how we can change the look of this wall and as you can imagine, we have lived her coming up to our 10th year in our beautiful home in Co Meath and we have literally went through every colour you can think of with paint and wallpaper designs at that.. 

Baz comes up with the idea of creating this dado rail design which will infact break up the wall in different sections but also giving it a very stylist overall feeling of grandness " if that's a word " it is now says you.. 

So here is what the wall looked liked before we did anything to it. It is a large wall but we never really could fill the wall with anything. 

So the first thing I done with this wall was to strip the wallpaper and make sure I filled in any cracks or holes that might be there from applying paint and wallpaper on it through the years of decorating.. 

After all that prep work is finished ie, sanding and smoothed out.. Next step is to measure out where you want your dado rail to go and work out how big you want your design, 

We decided to go with three separate pieces, Two verticle pieces on each side.. Here are a few pictures of the design  being attatched to the wall..

For the middle piece  we went with a rectangle design, you can see how this piece was attached to the wall with these pictures,

In the below pictures, you can see that when you have all your design up on the wall you can go ahead and fill in the spaces between your dado rail and wall and then begin to undercoat and top coat your dado rail..

So now you can see all the dado rail is attached to the wall and painted..  We positioned some furniture against the wall to get a taste for the finished look..

. Your next step then would be to apply  your wallpaper you choose to the inners of your design like the pictures below..  When you are placing your wallpaper do make sure that your design on the wallpaper will an even line across the Featured Wall.. You will see what I mean in pictures below.

Just like this picture. As you can see the design on the wallpaper on the right is lower than the design on the far right. Pattern is lower, I done this just to show you how easy a mistake this can be..

I went ahead and replaced it and brought the design of the wallpaper to and even level.

Also the measurements we used where a little bit bigger than the normal size of the wallpaper, so we have to cut small edges and place them side by side to match the design..

And so the fun part begins, to decorate and furnish the room.. Love this part..

We also painted this Feature Wall in a Grey / Blue colour just to show you ..

So at last we can now finally say that this will do us now for a couple of years until " Helen " turns around and says to her husband Baz " That wall is bugging me " :)

So hope this was helpful to you guys and would love to see if you decide to do your own Feature Wall... 

Irish Dannyboy 

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